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Performance labs log



Well-known member
May 20, 2018
Took a few days to rest up. Working 60hrs a week in the sun adding 10hrs in the gym onto of that can kick your ass at times.

Today we did back

Planks 3mins
Crunches 5sets of 20
Row hammer strength close grip position 1x25 2x16 1x10 1x8
Lat downs. Slow count with a hold and squeeze 1x14 1x12 1x10 1x8
Chin ups 1x18 1x10
Pull downs (chin up position) 1x15 1x12
Low row hammer strength machine slow count with a squeeze 1x20 1x16 1x14 1x10
Pull over (laying on a bench and losing weight down behide my head) 60lbs 2x20
Dead lifts 225 1x12 305 1x2 325 1x1 225 2x12

Pro- 304
Carbs 230
Fat 55
Cals 2631 (will add a few tomorrow)

Test 150
Tren 200
Mast 200
EQ 300
Hgh 3iu
Hcg 500iu
Nolva 10mg


Well-known member
May 20, 2018
Today was abs and shoulders

Tomorrow I will travel to visit my son and watch his graduation from marine Corps Boot Camp so I’ll try to get some lifts in but will keep carbs low.

Planks 3 mins
Crunches 4 sets of 20
Standing crossovers with barbell 3x30
Arnold press 4x15
Shoulder press dumbbells 4x12
Shoulder press hammer strength 1x25(burn out)
Shrugs 1x20 2x10 1x17
Front rise dumbbells 4x15
Lateral rises cables 4x20
Upright row 4x15

Pro: 325
Carbs: 251
Fats: 136 (got a little crazy with some avocado)

Cals: 3,530

No gear today.
Nolva 10mg


Well-known member
May 20, 2018
Ok, I’m back. Spent a few days with my family and enjoyed some time with my stepson celebrating his graduation from MCBC. That’s a two day event then went home with him the wife to show him our new house and his new room. And.....to continue with putting the house together, this time it was TV mounted, microwave mounted, wife mounted, hanging crap on the walls and cutting grass (no home owners association that handles that anymore)

Back in the saddle, food prep and gym bag cleaning today. But I did get a good run in today. 3 miles at 8:30 per the mile.

Going to start adding more cardio like this 2 days lifting 1 day 20 to 30 mins of cardio then rest day

Food this week will be
Bran flakes
Egg whites

No other breaks coming up that I know of.

Gear today
Test c 150
Tren e 200
EQ 300
Mast 200
Armidex .5 (going to move this to e3d)
Nolva 10mg


Well-known member
May 20, 2018
Today was shoulders/core

I can’t speak highly enough about this gear, after 6 days out of the gym spending time with the family I had no! Lag what so ever and sides are almost not present at all, no pip or any issues. Only at week 6 (I need to check my calendar) and I feel that the next 10 weeks are going to be great! Time in introduce the winny and hold cals to lean it up. At cycles start I was 166lbs and now I’m at 177. Would like to hold to 175 and focus on dropping BF. No T3.

Planks 2 sets of 2mins
Weighted crunch machine 4 sets of 30
Weighted leg rises 4 sets of 15
Shoulder press barbell seated rack 4x12 (115)
Shoulder press hammer strength 4x15
Arnold press 3x12 1x8 (these at the end of the press was brutal)

Shrugs 1x25 (225) 1x8 (305) 1x12 (275) 1x20 (225) really trying to work on these more. Been afraid of big weight since my arm surgery but I’m coming out of that she’ll now

Upright row with 45lbs weight gripped in each hand 3x12 1x9

Rear delt fly (machine) 4x20
Lateral rises 4x20 (lite weight pump)
Front rises with 45lbs weight and rotation at top 3x12

I changed my food up just because I needed a change and I’m shooting to sight cut without losing too much energy for work (which is a heavy load at this time)
Pro 367g
Carbs 297g
Fats 51

Cals 3115

Nolva 10mg
Winny (performance) 40mg split dose


Well-known member
May 20, 2018
Legs baby/core

2 sets of 3 min planks
Side extensions 50 each side
Free motion machine 4x 20
Crunch machine 3x30

Lunges on weight 40yards twice
Front squats 135 5x10
Rear squats 225 1x15
Leg press free motion machine 4x20
Leg extensions (alternating weight and pauses...anything to shock the shit outta of them)
Leg curls standing 4x20 each leg
Calve rises seated 4x30

Food was same as usual but I dropped one cup of rice and two chicken thighs and added an after leg day treat with and asian Poke bowl. Raw salmon, rice, corn, Asparagus, avocado and cilantro

Winny 40mg split dose
Nolva 10mg
Armidex .5 (moved this to e3d)

Got everything trimmed up but my back and will try that tomorrow so I can post some progress picks on Friday. Legs, back and front. I’m starting to see a lot more vascularity coming in.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jun 17, 2018
Legs baby/core

2 sets of 3 min planks
Side extensions 50 each side
Free motion machine 4x 20
Crunch machine 3x30

Lunges on weight 40yards twice
Front squats 135 5x10
Rear squats 225 1x15
Leg press free motion machine 4x20
Leg extensions (alternating weight and pauses...anything to shock the shit outta of them)
Leg curls standing 4x20 each leg
Calve rises seated 4x30

Food was same as usual but I dropped one cup of rice and two chicken thighs and added an after leg day treat with and asian Poke bowl. Raw salmon, rice, corn, Asparagus, avocado and cilantro

Winny 40mg split dose
Nolva 10mg
Armidex .5 (moved this to e3d)

Got everything trimmed up but my back and will try that tomorrow so I can post some progress picks on Friday. Legs, back and front. I’m starting to see a lot more vascularity coming in.

I think I would copy this drill for my tomorrow workout. I'm noticing that my left thigh is slightly bigger in muscle compared to my right thigh. I always try to balance any leg drills I take on but surprisingly this is what I have noticed about my legs now. So, I really need to work on this pretty fast so it doesn't get out of hand.


Well-known member
May 20, 2018
Legs baby/core

2 sets of 3 min planks
Side extensions 50 each side
Free motion machine 4x 20
Crunch machine 3x30

Lunges on weight 40yards twice
Front squats 135 5x10
Rear squats 225 1x15
Leg press free motion machine 4x20
Leg extensions (alternating weight and pauses...anything to shock the shit outta of them)
Leg curls standing 4x20 each leg
Calve rises seated 4x30

Food was same as usual but I dropped one cup of rice and two chicken thighs and added an after leg day treat with and asian Poke bowl. Raw salmon, rice, corn, Asparagus, avocado and cilantro

Winny 40mg split dose
Nolva 10mg
Armidex .5 (moved this to e3d)

Got everything trimmed up but my back and will try that tomorrow so I can post some progress picks on Friday. Legs, back and front. I’m starting to see a lot more vascularity coming in.

I think I would copy this drill for my tomorrow workout. I'm noticing that my left thigh is slightly bigger in muscle compared to my right thigh. I always try to balance any leg drills I take on but surprisingly this is what I have noticed about my legs now. So, I really need to work on this pretty fast so it doesn't get out of hand.

It’s not too uncommon to have a dominant side.


Well-known member
May 20, 2018
Chest today

(I’ll get picks in the morning my wife is on the phone with me as I’m typing this and won’t get off because she’s on a long drive)

Planks 3 mins
Abs rolls 2x30 1x10 with a 10 second pause at each rep
Hanging leg rises 2x10
Abs cross overs with weighted ball 2x30
Crunch machine 2x30

Hammer strength machine bench press 1x20 1x12 1x8 1x8 1x12
Incline press dumbbell 1x16 1x12 1x10 1x8
Incline flys dumbbells 4x15
Hex press 1x20 1x15 1x12 1x8
Cross the chest bench hammer strength machine 1x20 1x15 1x12 (each side)

Food is consistent with added big dinner after lifts (poke bowl)

Pro 300ish
Carbs 300ish
Fats 100ish

Weight is still climbing at 177 currently abs will get picks in the am.....she’s still on the phone


Well-known member
May 20, 2018
Started this cycle out at 166, 167 lbs and now I’m a full 8 weeks in so right about half way. Weight is up to 176lbs today. Gear is great and really kicking in now and it’s about to really start showing even though I’ve had a good bit of down time with buying a house and attending my sons Marine Corps boot camp graduation and now.....we got a Hurricane potential heading directly here so I’ll keep y’all posted on that one as it may screw my lifting schedule up. Pics are up and I will get some more a a few more weeks as I really think these next few will really start popping some vascularity and fullness. My lighting is poor but I got my first chest vain so I’m kinda excited about that and hope to finish this cycle out north of 174 and holding around 12% BF. I’m probably around 14% currently

Arms today

Stair machine as a warm up 10mins got HR up to about 150
Sitting dumbbell curls drop sets starting with 40lbs 1x10 40 again 1x8 35s 1x10 30s 1x10 25s 1x10 20s 1x5 (no rest after first set)
Tricep extensions free motion machine 1X20 drop sets again 1x20 1x16 1x14 1x10 1x5
Seated preacher seat curls free motion machine low weight 3x20ish (till failure) 1x12
Tricep extension cable machine 1x18 1x16 2x12 1x6
Reverse grip curls cable with bar 4x20
Weighted dips with a 45lb weight 1x28 1x16 1x12 1x9
Hammer curls with rope cables 3x20
Wrist curls with bar palms up and palms down 3x20


Last two pics are with a pump. My gym as poor lighting and is very crowded so it hard to get a pic there but I’ll try to get some better ones to show off more of my vascularity. Gotta lot of work to do on my back and lats but feeling good about where this is going


Well-known member
May 20, 2018
Ok, BACK AT IT!!! Had to evacuate due to the storm and I’m not in the flooding areas (which is terrible, those people are dealing with some real shit)

I did shoulders today

3 min plank
40 leg rises
40 weighted crunches

everything to failure today
Arnold press 1x20 1x16 1x12 1x10
Shoulder press barbell 135 1x14 1x10 1x8 1x5
Shoulder press hammer strength machine 200lb 1x10 1x6 1x5 100lbs 1x14
Shoulder shrugs 275 1x14 1x10 1x8 225 1x20
Low rise 90lb 1x14 1x10 1x6 1x5
Lateral rises cables 1x20 4x10
Front rise 2x10
Front rise straight arm squeezing dumbbell (no grip) only using a 17.5lb weight and slowing lifting till I contemplate life. This is an amazing isolation movement. 3x10

Rear dealt flys 4x12
Rear delt flys arms going over head 3x15

Food was high today and I’ll be adjusting cals this evening but it’s simple meal prep 2lbs of chicken, 2cups of rice, 4 tortilla shells, shredded wheat, protein bar. I will calculate tonight. I know the protein is higher than normal

Gear was kept consistent during the break. I didn’t get the chance to lift as my drive to and from work was pretty hellish 1 hr in the am and 2hrs in the evening (gotta love ATL traffic with non stop road construction)

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Well-known member
May 20, 2018
Arms today.

Warm up with stretch
Planks 3mins
Crunches weighted 3x30
Abs rolls 2x30 2x5 (with a 10 sec pause)

Preacher seat curls barbell 4x10
Hammer curls 1x30

Tricep extensions over head 1x25 1x12 1x6
Tricep extension push down 1x10 1x8 1x6
Over head 1x16

Hammer curls 1x30 1x14 1x10 1x6
Weighted dips 45lbs 1x30 1x22 1x14 no weight 1x25

Seated curls supinated position dumbbells 45lbs 1x12 1x8 1x6 25lbs 1x18

Tricep kickbacks 30lbs dumbbell 1x20 1x15 1x12 1x8

Reverse grip curls 4x12 (easy bar 60lbs)

Forearm curls wrist up 70lbs barbell 1x20 1x12 50lbs 1x16 1x10

Forearm curls wrist down 15lbs dumbbells 4x till failure 18-12

Food is high

Pro: 305
Carbs 395
Fats 115
Cals 3,550

Feeling like a straight beast. Performance gear is legit. Even after one full week out, even after all the breaks I’ve had, buying a house, moving, military graduation, Hurricane evacuation....still feeling like a champ.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jun 17, 2018
Ok, BACK AT IT!!! Had to evacuate due to the storm and I’m not in the flooding areas (which is terrible, those people are dealing with some real shit)

I did shoulders today

3 min plank
40 leg rises
40 weighted crunches

everything to failure today
Arnold press 1x20 1x16 1x12 1x10
Shoulder press barbell 135 1x14 1x10 1x8 1x5
Shoulder press hammer strength machine 200lb 1x10 1x6 1x5 100lbs 1x14
Shoulder shrugs 275 1x14 1x10 1x8 225 1x20
Low rise 90lb 1x14 1x10 1x6 1x5
Lateral rises cables 1x20 4x10
Front rise 2x10
Front rise straight arm squeezing dumbbell (no grip) only using a 17.5lb weight and slowing lifting till I contemplate life. This is an amazing isolation movement. 3x10

Rear dealt flys 4x12
Rear delt flys arms going over head 3x15

Food was high today and I’ll be adjusting cals this evening but it’s simple meal prep 2lbs of chicken, 2cups of rice, 4 tortilla shells, shredded wheat, protein bar. I will calculate tonight. I know the protein is higher than normal

Gear was kept consistent during the break. I didn’t get the chance to lift as my drive to and from work was pretty hellish 1 hr in the am and 2hrs in the evening (gotta love ATL traffic with non stop road construction)

I do love seeing your shoulder drills, they look great and I'm sure it's very evident in how huge and broad your shoulders are at the moment.

I'm looking at working on my laps/thigh, it's becoming too muscular for my liking and it keeps tearing my trousers in between my legs.


Well-known member
May 20, 2018
Ok, BACK AT IT!!! Had to evacuate due to the storm and I’m not in the flooding areas (which is terrible, those people are dealing with some real shit)

I did shoulders today

3 min plank
40 leg rises
40 weighted crunches

everything to failure today
Arnold press 1x20 1x16 1x12 1x10
Shoulder press barbell 135 1x14 1x10 1x8 1x5
Shoulder press hammer strength machine 200lb 1x10 1x6 1x5 100lbs 1x14
Shoulder shrugs 275 1x14 1x10 1x8 225 1x20
Low rise 90lb 1x14 1x10 1x6 1x5
Lateral rises cables 1x20 4x10
Front rise 2x10
Front rise straight arm squeezing dumbbell (no grip) only using a 17.5lb weight and slowing lifting till I contemplate life. This is an amazing isolation movement. 3x10

Rear dealt flys 4x12
Rear delt flys arms going over head 3x15

Food was high today and I’ll be adjusting cals this evening but it’s simple meal prep 2lbs of chicken, 2cups of rice, 4 tortilla shells, shredded wheat, protein bar. I will calculate tonight. I know the protein is higher than normal

Gear was kept consistent during the break. I didn’t get the chance to lift as my drive to and from work was pretty hellish 1 hr in the am and 2hrs in the evening (gotta love ATL traffic with non stop road construction)

I do love seeing your shoulder drills, they look great and I'm sure it's very evident in how huge and broad your shoulders are at the moment.

I'm looking at working on my laps/thigh, it's becoming too muscular for my liking and it keeps tearing my trousers in between my legs.

Haha! Nothing wrong with big legs bro! I’ve been hitting the delts pretty hard to get a more rounded look and it is starting to show


Well-known member
May 20, 2018
I hit chest

Dumbbells flat bench
100lbs 1x16
110lbs 1x7
100lbs 1x6
90lbs 1x8

Incline dumbbells
90lbs 3x10
80lbs 1x10

Incline flys dumbbells
35lbs 3x15 1x8

Hex press 135lbs 2x8
90lbs 2x10

Hammer strength machines cross chest press 90lbs 1x20 1x14 (one set at 135lbs 4reps)

Lying dumbbell pull over 65lbs
2x20 1x12

Short and sweet just hitting heavy sets

Leg day
Warm up on stair machine (worst part of the workout)
Lunges 40yards 2 times

Squats 225lbs full depth 1x10
275lbs box 1x12 ass about1.5 ft off ground
315lbs 1x6
405lbs 2x3
225lbs (back to full depth of ass to grass) 1x10

Leg press
10plates 1x15
14plates 1x12
16plates 1x10
18plates 1x10
20plates 1x12
22plates 1x8
24 plates 1x2 (shitty depth too much weight) (my clean stuff is back at 18 and 20)

Leg extension 5x20
Calves rises on hack squat machine 5x20 (puppy’s was on fire)
Leg curls standing Single leg 3x20

Pros this whole week have been north of 300gs carbs 400gs and fats 100gs with totals above 3,500. This is having energy high, strength high and weight climbing. Weighted in at 178 on Saturday (starting at 166). Going to run this high cals for one more week before I start to tampering down. This is week 12 of the cycle and 8 weeks left so I’d like to cut down to 175 to 174 with BF near 12. Probably at 14 currently

Test 300
Tren 400
EQ 600
Mast 400
Nolva 10mg
Armidex.5 each week (I cut this in have)
Hcg 1000iu each week

Starting weight at 166
Currently at 178
Bf 14ish


Well-known member
May 20, 2018
Today I hit back.
Fast attack with heavy weight. Saved chin up till last this time. (I normally start with those, kinda like seeing how many I can do)

Hammer strength pull up machine
1x20 1plate 1x12 4plates 1x8 230lbs 1x6 230lbs 1x8 4plates

Hammer strength lat pulls wide grip
1x12 4plates 1x11, 1x5 230lbs 1x3 230lbs 1x8 4plates 1x12 145lbs

Low row hammer strength
1x15 4plates 1x9 230lbs 1x6 230lbs 1x10 4plates

Lays downs wide grip handles
160lbs 1x12, 180 1x10 200lbs 1x6 1x4 160lbs 1x8

Chin ups (palms away) 1x15, 1x12 weighted 25lbs 1x6 1x3, no weight 1x6

Pro: 350g
Carbs 351g
Fats 102g
Cals 3,720

Test 150
Tren 200
Mast 200
EQ 300
Winny 50mg
Nolva 10mg


Well-known member
May 20, 2018
Shoulder day

Had two days off for a trip back home for a benefit dinner. Good time, great cause of a charity for childhood cancer.

Shoulder press warm up dumbbells 55lbs 1x20 85lbs 1x9 1x6 1x3 70lbs 1x10 65lbs 1x8

Lateral rises seated 30lbs 1x16 1x12 1x8 22.5lbs 1x10 17lbs 1x15

Hammer strength shoulder press 90lbs 1x30 140lbs 1x15 1x10 110lbs 1x10 90lbs 1x15

Rear delt flys machine 1x20 1x10 1x8 1x5 1x15

Shoulder shrugs barbell (have lower back pain today so I taken this one easy) 225lbs 1x16 1x12 1x10 1x10

Back Extensions (just to get some blood moving in that area) 2x20 1x15

Test 150
Tren 200
Mast 200
EQ 300
(No more whinny)
Nolva 10mg
Hcg 500 iu

Carb 281
Fat 90
Cals 3128


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2018
I hit chest

Dumbbells flat bench
100lbs 1x16
110lbs 1x7
100lbs 1x6
90lbs 1x8

Incline dumbbells
90lbs 3x10
80lbs 1x10

Incline flys dumbbells
35lbs 3x15 1x8

Hex press 135lbs 2x8
90lbs 2x10

Hammer strength machines cross chest press 90lbs 1x20 1x14 (one set at 135lbs 4reps)

Lying dumbbell pull over 65lbs
2x20 1x12

Short and sweet just hitting heavy sets

Leg day
Warm up on stair machine (worst part of the workout)
Lunges 40yards 2 times

Squats 225lbs full depth 1x10
275lbs box 1x12 ass about1.5 ft off ground
315lbs 1x6
405lbs 2x3
225lbs (back to full depth of ass to grass) 1x10

Leg press
10plates 1x15
14plates 1x12
16plates 1x10
18plates 1x10
20plates 1x12
22plates 1x8
24 plates 1x2 (shitty depth too much weight) (my clean stuff is back at 18 and 20)

Leg extension 5x20
Calves rises on hack squat machine 5x20 (puppy’s was on fire)
Leg curls standing Single leg 3x20

Pros this whole week have been north of 300gs carbs 400gs and fats 100gs with totals above 3,500. This is having energy high, strength high and weight climbing. Weighted in at 178 on Saturday (starting at 166). Going to run this high cals for one more week before I start to tampering down. This is week 12 of the cycle and 8 weeks left so I’d like to cut down to 175 to 174 with BF near 12. Probably at 14 currently

Test 300
Tren 400
EQ 600
Mast 400
Nolva 10mg
Armidex.5 each week (I cut this in have)
Hcg 1000iu each week

Starting weight at 166
Currently at 178
Bf 14ish

Awesome vascularity there bro
Looking great


Well-known member
May 20, 2018
I hit chest

Dumbbells flat bench
100lbs 1x16
110lbs 1x7
100lbs 1x6
90lbs 1x8

Incline dumbbells
90lbs 3x10
80lbs 1x10

Incline flys dumbbells
35lbs 3x15 1x8

Hex press 135lbs 2x8
90lbs 2x10

Hammer strength machines cross chest press 90lbs 1x20 1x14 (one set at 135lbs 4reps)

Lying dumbbell pull over 65lbs
2x20 1x12

Short and sweet just hitting heavy sets

Leg day
Warm up on stair machine (worst part of the workout)
Lunges 40yards 2 times

Squats 225lbs full depth 1x10
275lbs box 1x12 ass about1.5 ft off ground
315lbs 1x6
405lbs 2x3
225lbs (back to full depth of ass to grass) 1x10

Leg press
10plates 1x15
14plates 1x12
16plates 1x10
18plates 1x10
20plates 1x12
22plates 1x8
24 plates 1x2 (shitty depth too much weight) (my clean stuff is back at 18 and 20)

Leg extension 5x20
Calves rises on hack squat machine 5x20 (puppy’s was on fire)
Leg curls standing Single leg 3x20

Pros this whole week have been north of 300gs carbs 400gs and fats 100gs with totals above 3,500. This is having energy high, strength high and weight climbing. Weighted in at 178 on Saturday (starting at 166). Going to run this high cals for one more week before I start to tampering down. This is week 12 of the cycle and 8 weeks left so I’d like to cut down to 175 to 174 with BF near 12. Probably at 14 currently

Test 300
Tren 400
EQ 600
Mast 400
Nolva 10mg
Armidex.5 each week (I cut this in have)
Hcg 1000iu each week

Starting weight at 166
Currently at 178
Bf 14ish

Awesome vascularity there bro
Looking great

Thanks dude. Now I need to trim the carbs down a bit and let this stuff do it’s thing. But I’m m definitely happy with the progress so far


Well-known member
May 20, 2018

Still alive brotha’s. Been spending a lot time with the wife (she’s missing the son big time) but I’m still getting in in when I can