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Duality; precontest 09



Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
These posts reveal the thing which will keep you from reaching your lofty expectations in bodybuilding, your mental outlook. Another 4 weeks would over diet you? Please, another 4 weeks and you'd be in pretty good bodybuilding show shape, and you'd look much bigger and better.

The reason why many people were giving you grief about your conditioning a few weeks ago and encouraging you on is because you were/are further behind than you think. Did you listen? I'm willing to bet almost any money you didn't, especially with regards to doubling up the cardio like I suggested on the stepmill (another excuse, 'I like walking for cardio'.... F that, getting diced requires one of the two most important words which describe what it takes to prep for a bodybuilding show, sacrifice. This doesn't mean leisurely strolls, it means busting your ass for hours on end when your body is just screaming stop, and you struggle for each extra minute. Freak is right, if you don't feel like shit, you probably did something wrong.)

This isn't meant to rag on you personally, and by no means am I or any of the others saying you don't look good. But just give you the constructive criticism and 'wake up call' you need. It's always some kind of excuse with you, (the lighting is bad, the pics don't do justice, the calipers said 5.8%, I want to avoid a division, the squats were parallel, etc etc etc.)

For the vast majority of cases, ESPECIALLY at the amateur level, if I had to describe another word more than sacrifice which dives success in those who win shows, it would be desperation. These are the guys who are willing to pull out all the stops, stick to the diet as strict as possible, do the cardio for 15 minutes more than everyone else would, slave on the stepmill machine even though their legs are almost too tired to walk up stairs in their house, and so on.

You are now at the point where almost every possibly counter physiological mechanism is kicking in to prevent you from losing more fat. Your total natural thyroid production has droped, T4-T3 thryoid hormone enzyme activity has plummeted, hunger hormones are through the roof, energy is zapped, and many others all of which make it seemingly impossible to keep losing fat, and you have to work more than twice as hard for less than half as much results (or even more of a difference in the ratio). This happens at the point of those "last few pounds" where you try to get out those lower abs, and so forth, but I'm talking way beyond that, I'm talking the point where hours upon hours of work might give an extra subtle cut in their quads, an extra vein here and there, a bit of extra definition of the brachialis, or other tiny changes. But guess what, the desperate guys work that much harder for those "tiny" changes, because they know separates those who place, and those who win.

If you're content having pretty good abs, looking good at shows, and going to a division where you can get a top 3 finish and walking away with some kind of trophy, cool, that's fine, many people are. But, if you want to go somewhere and win shows, these are the things you need to think about every waking moment of every day (especially when it comes to the cardio). You need to start to sacrifice, and you need to get desperate.

wow i wasn't aware i was going for my pro card. ya, i am content right now with a top 2 finish where i will easily be the youngest entrant. ya i am content with the MASSIVE improvement i made from last year. you don't believe me? why doesn't someone with some extra time on their hand go look at my old thread from last year. oh wait, that's just an excuse i forgot.

my lofty goals.......lmao, where the hell did i say anything besides i want to take it one step at a time and qualify for the nationals? or do you just assume that based off my physique :bitelip:, which in that case, thank you.

i'm sorry, this isn't an attack on you, but you, and some others, are the one who needs to get real. i'm 20 fucking years old, and will be competing in good shape at about 203lbs. this is a marathon, not a sprint. a good placing will be something to build on for future shows. you all won't give me anything because 1. you don't like me, or at least my personality 2. you all think i'm cocky and think if you give me an inch i'll take a mile. that's fine. quite honestly this site is getting me ready for real bodybuilding, which is learning how to deal with jerks and negativity.

and fyi, my diet was 12 weeks


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
and, i almost forgot to address the good ones. thank you very much creator for the tips (flexing my legs at all times is f'ing hard, i have trouble remembering at times) and mvs, yes, my back is holding water more than my other extremities, i'm going to start water manipulation/dropping because i do tend to hold water even when i'm lean. and to tkd, thanks brother.

another 2 or 3 weeks would get me shredded. and also place me in the light heavies, may i ask why it is so hard to comprehend why i'd rather come in in good shape with good size, and place well in a division where the dudes typically AREN'T shredded, rather than come in shredded, and potentially not? it seems to bamboozle a couple of you.

btw that last statement was not directed at you Lance.
Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo

Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
another 2 or 3 weeks would get me shredded. and also place me in the light heavies, may i ask why it is so hard to comprehend why i'd rather come in in good shape with good size, and place well in a division where the dudes typically AREN'T shredded, rather than come in shredded, and potentially not? it seems to bamboozle a couple of you.

Why not just give it the best you've got and hopefully place well in the light heavies? The tougher the competition the sweeter it will be winning.
If you can't come in shredded in the weight class you're aiming for because you'll be too light, then you are not heavy/big enough for that weight class yet.


Mecca V.I.P.
Aug 6, 2006
and mvs, yes, my back is holding water more than my other extremities, i'm going to start water manipulation/dropping because i do tend to hold water even when i'm lean. and to tkd, thanks brother.
That puzzles me, since the water molecules attach to fat cells. If there is no fat; there will be no water.

another 2 or 3 weeks would get me shredded.
This is where people disagree with you dude. If you were to get, as you say, 'shredded' you would probably need another 5-6 weeks. This not being your goal though - fair enough.

and also place me in the light heavies, may i ask why it is so hard to comprehend why i'd rather come in in good shape with good size, and place well in a division where the dudes typically AREN'T shredded, rather than come in shredded, and potentially not? it seems to bamboozle a couple of you.
This makes sense to me. I don't know why people don't get this actually. If placing and and qualifying is you main priority, this is the way to do it - dodging that stiff competition in the light heavies class. The challenge arises when you (if you qualify) actually have to compete against the shredded heavies at the national level...


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
Tunen!!!1! i'm so glad you posted!

man oh man. all i do is post pictures, and really nothing else, and all this hate on little old me :tear: well i guess it's ok, if i wasn't soooo cocky i guess i'd be a little disheartened :)

i find it beyond fascinating at the negativity displayed on here, and the positivity found in real life.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 8, 2007
Tunen!!!1! i'm so glad you posted!

man oh man. all i do is post pictures, and really nothing else, and all this hate on little old me :tear: well i guess it's ok, if i wasn't soooo cocky i guess i'd be a little disheartened :)

i find it beyond fascinating at the negativity displayed on here, and the positivity found in real life.

Dude, we are not hating on you just to be hating on you; people are actually trying to help you and give contructive critisism on your diet. I think you've got a helluva physique for a 20-year old, but your own perception of how shredded you actually are is just way off.. and that's not really odd though; it's often difficult to see your own 'mistakes'.

But you gotta realize when people like Flex (who got turkish in shredded shape a number of time) also tells you that you should have dieted for 4-6 weeks longer, well, then there's probably some truth to it :)

I for one have no I have no intentions of just being negative towards you, I don't see the point in that, but i'm telling it like a see it and I do think you should have dieted longer. When a lot of people is stating this I do understand how you kinda percieve it as agressive and negativity; but look at the posts again - nobody is putting you down; they are giving you advise dude.


Eat, lift, sleep, repeat.
Jun 18, 2007
I do get your plan Jase and you certainly will place very well in the heavies because your conditioning is good, I'd just like you to come in fuckin sliced man but obv itd put you in the light heavies I know and there is more competition. Maybe next time when your heavier you can do. :thumbsup2:
The Creator

The Creator

Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 29, 2006
All you can do is focus on this show and come in the best you can with the time and resources that you have available. To be quite honest, I think an comments about "shoulda dieted longer" and so on are pointless. Just do everything you can to come in your best shape for this show. Let the judges judge you and then ask for their advice after the show as to what you can improve upon next time.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 24, 2006
what was it 9 weeks out you started dietiting for your last show? now you did 12 weeks and you look so much better bigger and conditioning is better and so that is all you need to do, improvements is what you made and what else can you do
you prolly need 16 weeks also it would be good to hire a nutrionist so you don´t have to worry about the diet

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 15, 2006
^^ But he would have to worry about money...


Mecca V.I.P.
Aug 6, 2006
what was it 9 weeks out you started dietiting for your last show? now you did 12 weeks and you look so much better bigger and conditioning is better and so that is all you need to do, improvements is what you made and what else can you do
you prolly need 16 weeks also it would be good to hire a nutrionist so you don´t have to worry about the diet
Yea listen to max - he knows what he's talking about!


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
wow i wasn't aware i was going for my pro card. ya, i am content right now with a top 2 finish where i will easily be the youngest entrant. ya i am content with the MASSIVE improvement i made from last year. you don't believe me? why doesn't someone with some extra time on their hand go look at my old thread from last year. oh wait, that's just an excuse i forgot.

my lofty goals.......lmao, where the hell did i say anything besides i want to take it one step at a time and qualify for the nationals? or do you just assume that based off my physique :bitelip:, which in that case, thank you.

i'm sorry, this isn't an attack on you, but you, and some others, are the one who needs to get real. i'm 20 fucking years old, and will be competing in good shape at about 203lbs. this is a marathon, not a sprint. a good placing will be something to build on for future shows. you all won't give me anything because 1. you don't like me, or at least my personality 2. you all think i'm cocky and think if you give me an inch i'll take a mile. that's fine. quite honestly this site is getting me ready for real bodybuilding, which is learning how to deal with jerks and negativity.

and fyi, my diet was 12 weeks

Ugh, why do I bother....

If you think anything I said ever trivialized any of your accomplishments, or showed some kind of vendetta, or was anything other than constructive criticism intended to motivate you, I don't know what else I can say.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
i repped him bc he deserved it :tear:


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
I do get your plan Jase and you certainly will place very well in the heavies because your conditioning is good, I'd just like you to come in fuckin sliced man but obv itd put you in the light heavies I know and there is more competition. Maybe next time when your heavier you can do. :thumbsup2:

thank you and this is the plan for the future. i'm well aware of my conditioning level. to address essenesn, i don't think i'm shredded dude, i never once said that and i don't think you're wrong to say i could have dieted longer/differently. i do think i'm in solid condition for a heavyweight and will do well. coming in at 203lbs in much better condition that last year when i competed at 192 is a huge improvement in my eyes and keeps me well on the right track to keep at it.

and good post max, thank you.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
So whats the point of doing a show and not busting your ass? Maybe you don't win....maybe you don't even place well, but atleast you'll have the satifaction of knowing you did the extra cardio, dieted harder, did everything you could do to come in at your absolute best.

You really can't say that though.

Not really gonna give you too much of a hard time (or type much more) cause I know this will go in one ear and out the other.

I was kinda like you when I was competing at your age, but I had a honest sounding board and not a bunch of kids on the internet telling me I had a great chest and that I'm ready to step on stage.....lol. I never felt like I was ready cause I was always scared of failure.

Again, you don't seem to have this problem.

Maybe you just don't care enough or give a shit....I don't know.

/rant over



Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
So whats the point of doing a show and not busting your ass? Maybe you don't win....maybe you don't even place well, but atleast you'll have the satifaction of knowing you did the extra cardio, dieted harder, did everything you could do to come in at your absolute best.

You really can't say that though.

Not really gonna give you too much of a hard time (or type much more) cause I know this will go in one ear and out the other.

I was kinda like you when I was competing at your age, but I had a honest sounding board and not a bunch of kids on the internet telling me I had a great chest and that I'm ready to step on stage.....lol. I never felt like I was ready cause I was always scared of failure.

Again, you don't seem to have this problem.

Maybe you just don't care enough or give a shit....I don't know.

/rant over


my my that sounds like a mighty fine approach. here's the difference between you and i. you, would rather feel all warm and fuzzy inside with the feeling like you "did your best", whereas I, would rather place well, and build on that. a trophy lasts forever. you're feeling of self satisfaction doesn't. you weren't at my gym today, you didn't see what i look like currently 5 days out. my gym is not full of a bunch of brown nosers (lol not at all, quite the contrary).

and yes, it is quite apparent by my build and condition that i clearly, CLEARLY, do not give a shit. i mean come on, who would step onstage looking this bad? i assume you had a very successful career as an amaeteur to be speaking like you do.

i am extremely pleased with the progress and transformation i've made and am already incredibly excited for the next show! whenever that may be. i made this thread for my friends on this site who requested it via PM on here and facebook messaging, i didn't put it up to have a bunch of e-experts, who quite honestly have accomplished nothing in the sport, to tell me how bad i look. i have real bodybuilders at my gym to give me advice when asked. if that comes off as arrogant, i'm sorry. but i don't go on the internet seeking approval. i think i would be clinically depressed if i did. it's remarkable how easily people can just spew hate when they're safe and cozy behind their keyboards.

sorry if that came out as harsh, but you all have been nothing but with me :) truth hurts


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 15, 2006
I agree with both opinions wrote in this thread.

Yeah, maybe he could have dieted longer, or shorter or in a different way but.... who cares now?

Anyway, if Duality chases a top 2 placing in the heavies... why not? Of course you must feel great when your diet's strict, meals are strict and so on but it is not a dumb decission what Duality has made, IMHO.

If I were him, right now, a few weeks out, I'll stick to my original plan (heavies), step onstage and being wrong or right, have a new experience.

He has plenty of time, he could fuck up (if he is actually fucking it up) his prep and being better next time.

And hell yeah, I honestly think you guys really want him to nail his best condition.
Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo

Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
i am extremely pleased with the progress and transformation i've made and am already incredibly excited for the next show! whenever that may be. i made this thread for my friends on this site who requested it via PM on here and facebook messaging, i didn't put it up to have a bunch of e-experts, who quite honestly have accomplished nothing in the sport, to tell me how bad i look.

But you don't mind having a bunch of so called e-experts who quite honestly have accomplished nothing in the sport, telling you that you look contest ready and what not?
You can't expect it to be all roses and rainbows when you make a thread like that (and by that I mean a thread where people will judge your physique).

i have real bodybuilders at my gym to give me advice when asked. if that comes off as arrogant, i'm sorry. but i don't go on the internet seeking approval. i think i would be clinically depressed if i did.

Again there's not much hate going on in this thread, only people giving you advice and constructive criticism.. and 95% of those people have been competing at least once in their life.

it's remarkable who easily people can just spew hate when they're safe and cozy behind their keyboards.

I'm pretty sure that if you fund the plain tickets those same people will be more than happy to tell you the exact same thing face to face. It has nothing to do with hiding behind a keyboard but that we live in different parts of the world.

truth hurts

It sure does.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
^ again, i didn't post for approval and "rainbows", i posted because i was receiving multiple requests to do so. you think i don't know what to expect from some on this forum? did you not see my squat thread?

i'm posting this to allow those who are interested, which there are some, to follow me on this journey. not to tell me how to navigate it.

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